Welcome to #helloworld_rb

A friendly platform for beginner ruby developers, and experts, to collaborate as an ensemble.

Want to learn more?

Getting Involved

The simplest ways to get involved are:
  1. Add your twitter handle to the helloworld.rb file.
  2. Say when are you available this week?.
  3. Join the jitsi video chat.
  4. Add yourself to the mob timer.
  5. Open in GitHub Codespaces
  6. Post the VScode live share link into the jitsi video chat.

We're also chatting with each other on Whatsapp, Linked, and a twitter hashtag and group. So there's a medium for everyone.

Our goal is for this to run continously, and for you to be able to join when you're available. With obvious benefit to more extended availability.

Find out more about what the team likes on mob programming, ruby, and more...